Headline: Only one other thing connects Europe and the Arab world this well.
Copy: It’s true, football brings together Europe and the entire Arab world, but when it comes to connecting the two, we believe we do the job rather well. May we present aline up of connections that’s never offside. No penalties, no awkward passes to out of the way hubs. Straight from the Middle East and North Africa to Europe, or vice versa, via the airport that sits right in the middle of the field: Queen Aliya International Airport, Amman. One look at its location and you’ll know this is no common hub. From here, we fly fifty times a week to Europe touching almost all her capitals. And over sixty five times in the Arab world to more than fifteen destinations. Come, let us fly you smoothly and comfortably across this region. At fares that will make you whistle. Ad3: Millennium destinationHeadline: We have all the time in the world for you.
Copy: The recent past, the past far away, or the here and the now, what may we serve you? Jordan has them all. In every hill and valley, in fascinating memory. The place where Moses spent his last days, the river by which Christ was baptized, Dead Sea, Petra, Jerash, Um Qais. Not to mention, the oldest village in the world and one of its most modern, young cities. Come, let us fly you to this incredible meeting with time. The journey is smooth, the fares easy, and your crew always at hand, to take care of your every wish. This si no common moment, don’t let it pass you by.…………
The Millennium Promotion
As 2000 AD approached, an idea to do a promotion with Jordan’s most powerful attraction at its core. Billions of people know of Jordan as a part of the historic Biblical land. When they pray, they subconsciously visit, so to speak.
Headline: Frequent flyer to Jordan
Copy: Every day, without even setting foot on the soil of Jordan, people come here from all over the world, in their own way. On prayers, on memories of afar but never forgotten place. In their souls, in their hearts, in their spirits, in their own way. Look inside. Is there a Jordan in you as well? As a new chapter in time begins, why not come to the land where it all began? Where things happened that do not happen too frequently on this earth. Come with us, for we know your destination well. Let us take you there, let us connect you with all that’s all around, and with something inside you.
Indrani’s bio and portfolio Swapna’s bio and portfolio